starting the semester off right

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Starting the Semester Off Right!

Pre-Semester tips

Start the semester off right
with a few Pre-Semester tips, we have gathered together from your colleagues available for download.

Tips For The First Week Of Class

Start the semester off right
with a few tips you can use during the first couple of weeks of class available for download.

Post Semester Tips

Start the semester off right
with a few tips you can use to end the semester successfully.

In partnership with institutions of higher education, ACUE prepares, credentials, and provides on-going support to faculty in the use of evidence-based teaching practices that promote student engagement, persistence to graduation, career readiness, and deeper levels of learning. 

ACUE – Welcoming students to the online environment (03:27)

  • Create a Welcome Video – PDF
  • Create Q&A and Social Forums – PDF
  • Create an Online Orientation Video – PDF
  • Prepare for Online Coursework – PDF (for students)

ACUE – Managing Your Online Presence (3:34)

  • Establish Expectations for Your Teaching Presence – PDF
    ACUE logo

    Association of College and University Educators

    In partnership with institutions of higher education, ACUE prepares, credentials, and provides on-going support to faculty in the use of evidence-based teaching practices that promote student engagement, persistence to graduation, career readiness, and deeper levels of learning. 


      EAB logo

      Education Advisory Board

      EAB is a best practices firm that uses research, technology, and consulting to address challenges within the education industry.

      The link below will direct you to resources that support you with remote instruction across different types and sizes of courses, guidelines for maintaining fairness and accessibility, and strategic frameworks to guide the next phases of online course development.

      ATD logo

      Achieving the Dream

      Achieving the Dream (AtD) is a national initiative to help more community college students succeed.

      Below is a toolkit that includes a vast array of worksheets and planning templates to help build a culture of teaching and learning excellence.

      ELE logo

      Every Learner Everywhere

      Every Learner Everywhere (ELE) is a network of twelve partner organizations with expertise in evaluating, implementing, scaling, and measuring the efficacy of education technologies, curriculum and course design strategies, teaching practices, and support services that personalize instruction for students in blended and online learning environments.

      ELE’s mission is to help institutions use new technology to innovate teaching and learning, with the ultimate goal of improving student outcomes— especially those of first-generation college students, low-income students, and students of color.

      NISOD logo

      National Institute for Staff & Organizational Development

      NISOD is a membership organization committed to promoting and celebrating excellence in teaching, learning, and leadership at community and technical colleges.

      Explore their website below to browse all their events and resources.