Effective Teaching Practices
Modality Key
- Asynchronous Online
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- Live Session
- “What’s New”

This category focuses on the best way to engage students. There are many strategies out there that will effectively help students reach their academic goals. The courses below are intended to assist with these teaching practices.
The catalog shown on this page is simply for browsing the courses. You will not be able to earn professional development credit for viewing the recordings. You are able to register for these courses and earn PD credit within Workday’s MyLearning.
ETP015 Starting Things Off Right
This course discusses ways to engage students using the syllabus as well as making the most of the first meeting, first few weeks, and first few minutes of student’s time at each class meeting. The course will discuss research-based teaching strategies to maximize the time instructors spend with their students.
ETP047 Ensuring Academic Integrity
This course on academic integrity will go over the importance of a commitment to and demonstration of honest and moral behavior in all academic settings. The course will showcase different technologies such as Honorlock, Turnitin, and features of D2L that will help ensure academic integrity is upheld on all types of summative assessments.
ETP053 Inclusive Teaching Project
Accessibility & UDL
ETP039 Intro to UDL
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. The one-hour UDL workshop serves as a preparatory introduction to the concepts of Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning for faculty, staff and administrators.
ETP051 Best Practices in UDL
Learn how to use the three guiding principles of Universal Design Learning to create engaging, accessible and equitable assessments. The definitions, construction, evidence and implementation of UDL principles will be discussed and implemented.