Teaching Modalities

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Broward College Classes

The following options require students to attend class at a physical campus (when conditions allow):

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Courses taken on campus during scheduled meeting days and times. Students are required to be physically present and follow safety protocols.
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A blended course is defined as a formal educational process in which seat-time can be reduced up to 79% using online instruction (excluding assessments) that occurs inside the College’s learning management system, including assignments, interaction between students and instructors and among students, and associated learning activities.

The following options do not require students to attend class at a physical campus (when conditions allow):

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BC Online

An online course all instruction can be done fully online, asynchronously. Also, a course needs to go through a development process and be approved to be offered fully online. There is a distance learning fee that is added to a course in order to have the online tools enabled to allow students to have full access.
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BC Online Live

BC Online Live courses require students and instructors to meet virtually via Zoom during designated days and times. Coursework is completed virtually in Broward College’s online learning management system (D2L Brightspace), as students are not required to physically attend class on campus.
BC Online Live sessions also include engaging online learning activities such as polls, small group breakout sessions, D2L discussion forums.
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Flexible makes all course content available for both face-to-face and online experiences. Students may choose to participate using face-to-face methods, online methods, or a combination of both based on preferences.

Teaching Blended & Online Courses

This online self-paced facilitated course is designed to certify faculty to teach a blended course and/or an online course (including BC Online Live courses), that was previously developed by another faculty member.

Register for ALT040 in My Learning.


Flexible Learning is a multi-modal student-centered approach to teaching and learning.  

ALT061 is for faculty interested in teaching the Flexible modality. This 5-hour blended course will explore the use of streaming and learning classroom technology and best practices in the Flexible Learning modality.  This workshop requires a 1.5-hour facilitated on-campus instruction scheduled in a streaming and learning classroom and an online D2L component. Prerequisite: ALT035 – Intro to Zoom for Faculty 

 Register for ALT061 Getting Ready to Teach Flexible 

Teaching Synchronous Online Courses

This course is designed for faculty that are currently teaching or are scheduled to teach, Synchronous Online Learning (BC Online Live) courses. The course will cover, both the technical and pedagogical aspects, as well as, best practices.

The terms synchronous online and BC Online Live refer to an attendance option that is not in person, but mandates that a live class session occurs through Zoom.

The terms in-person, face-to-face, and on-campus, refer to an attendance option that is in a physical classroom.

Register for ALT060 in My Learning.

Designing Quality Blended & Online Courses

This course designed for instructors who have been selected to develop an online (including BC Online Live) or a blended course. The participants will complete the course in the self-paced, facilitated online format in D2L over a period of 4 weeks. In this course, you will learn to design course content that aligns with course outcomes, design learning activities to help student achieve stated learning outcomes, evaluate student learning with varied and balanced assessment strategies, and create a course that meets BC Quality Standards.

Register for ALT041 in My Learning.

To register in My Learning, view our training aid by clicking the link below.

The following BC database contains the names of the faculty that have successfully completed the Getting Ready to Teach Blended, Getting Ready to Teach Online as well as Effective Practices in Remote Learning and Designing Quality Blended & Online Courses. It can be accessed through our Academic Continuity Teams site as well as through Lists interface.

If you are having trouble accessing the database, try using the Firefox browser. You will be prompted to enter your BC credentials. The best practice for searching through the database is typing in your last name.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare my course for the beginning of the semester?

Follow our steps on how to Start Your Semester Off Right!

What professional development is required to teach either Blended, BC Online, and BC Online Live classes?

Faculty who teach BC Online Live or BC Online classes must complete the requisite professional development as indicated in the UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement prior to teaching the course in the respective delivery format.