The BOT/BC Collective Bargaining Agreement(Article 7.40) outlines that faculty can receive professional development (PD) hours for external workshops, webinars, CEUs, conferences, graduate/undergraduate coursework, exhibitions, performances, and publications. To record external PD opportunities in the MyLearning transcript, faculty must complete theFaculty Professional Development Application 2024
The following sections must be completed:
Credit/clock hours requested
Date of activity
Description of activity
How activity contributes to your professional development
Faculty must attach supporting documentation (e.g., certificates of completion, unofficial grade report, conference/workshop registration, etc.). The form must be digitally signed by the faculty member, appropriate supervisor, Academic Dean, and AVP Provost signature/approval. Attaching documentation
Sabbatical leave is intended to encourage and promote the professional development of the Faculty to enhance their instructional effectiveness as educators. Sabbatical leaves enable Faculty to undertake specific planned activities involving academic study, research, curriculum development, and/or creative works that support teaching and learning excellence of mutual benefit to the Faculty and the College.