- Support
- Assessment
- Discipline
- Best Practices
- Technology

Assessment and Reflection
Excellence in teaching and learning emphasizes assessment and reflection for enhanced student learning. Through assessment and reflection, faculty support student development into independent, creative, and critical thinkers. Faculty should provide a variety of tools and strategies to evaluate learning outcomes, allowing all students to excel and demonstrate enduring understanding of course content. Faculty welcome and solicit student and peer feedback to reflect on their teaching practices for continual improvement. You are able to register for these courses and earn PD credit within Workday’s MyLearning.
ALT011 Turnitin
Turnitin provides instructors with the tools to prevent plagiarism and engages students in the writing process.
This course is designed to introduce instructors to the Turnitin tool and some of the updated features. The Turnitin tab offers new and enhanced tools available in the platform, allowing instructors more control over the settings, as well as additional tools such as the e-rater.
ALT019 Honorlock Self-Paced
This self- paced tutorial introduces faculty to Honorlock Proctoring.
In this course, participants will learn how to review Honorlock dashboard settings, access the live chat function, review Honorlock Resources, view post-exam student sessions for any flagged violations, and explore the student view of the proctored exam.
ALT028 Creating Engaging Discussions in D2L
The use of the discussion board is a powerful tool for promoting asynchronous conversations of current and relevant topics through the encouragement of thoughtful and personal responses. Using discussion boards helps advance student participation and creativity by providing engaging questions and assignments that stimulate student interest and foster a sense of community.
In this course, participants will learn how to use the Discussion board in D2L to engage and encourage online discussions of relevant topics in their courses. This course will also review setting up a topic forum in the discussions tool, creating a discussion board assignment, and implement assessment tools and post/response tools.
ETP016 Designing Effective Writing Assessments
In this course, participants will explore pedagogical approaches to writing across different disciplines and learn strategies for developing impactful writing assignments that align with course objectives. Additionally, effective assessment techniques will be discussed to streamline the grading process. Lastly, faculty will be guided in identifying essential resources to support students in writing within their respective disciplines.
ETP047 Ensuring Academic Integrity
ETP047 Ensuring Academic Integrity emphasizes the significance of maintaining honest and ethical conduct in academic environments. In this course, the responsibilities of both instructors and students in maintaining academic integrity are thoroughly examined. It explores technologies like Honorlock, Turnitin, and features of D2L that enhance integrity in summative assessments. Furthermore, the course delves into strategies for designing summative assessments that foster sustainable academic integrity practices.
OBA003 Foundations of Rubrics
In this course, participants will learn about the benefits of using a rubric as a tool to assess student learning. Participants will be introduced to the major types of rubrics and when each is most applicable to assess a particular learning experience. For the interactive portion of the course, participants will select one of the rubric types and construct or refine an existing rubric. Participants will also use the rubric tools available through D2L.
OBA004 Developing Creative & Authentic Assessments
OBA004 Developing Creative and Authentic Assessments is for faculty who want to enhance their face-to-face or blended classes with summative and formative quizzes. These assessments serve to prepare students for exams while evaluating their comprehension of the learning material. In this course, attendees will complete the instructional content, and hands-on workshop activities to meet the expected learning outcomes for creating authentic assessments. Upon successful completion of all the course activities, participants will receive three professional development credit hours.